Glankler Data Solutions, LLC provides accurate, affordable 3D Data Prep Models for Engineers, Land Surveyors and Contractors for Machine Control, Construction Stake-out, Grade Checking, Earthwork Progress Quantities and Stockpile Verification. The Data Prep models are produced by a team with over 20 years experience in the fields of Engineering Design, Surveying, Construction Staking/Layout and CAD Design and Drafting for Industrial, Commercial, Residential, Schools, Parks and Runway projects. Over 400 Data Prep models have been produced specifically for Machine Control.
Roads are modeled using true Horizontal and Vertical alignments with Road Templates. The Templates contain specialized shapes that can be transitioned Horizontally, Vertically, tie to existing, Slope and Superelevations, making the transitions smooth, continuous and true. All intersections are complete with correct Radii for all shapes- a TRUE model produced by design software NOT an Estimating model! Clear, readable background files are included FREE! Problem areas are located during modeling process so corrections can be implemented BEFORE any dirt is moved saving time and money! All models are produced to clients tolerances and specifications! We'll create DTM Data Prep models that allow you to utilize your GPS machines and rovers to their maximum potential. Let us worry about the surface models and background files so you can proceed with grading and layout. Glankler Data Solutions, LLC provides clear, readable background files with every surface model. Buildings, roads, contours, retaining walls, storm/sewer lines & structures, water lines, lot lines, sidewalks, R/W, CL, Road Stations, Parking/Road Markings are all included on standard Background files or anything else you would like to show or omit.
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